This course is designed for journalists who want to deepen their connection with their communities and expand their audience by covering the critical issues surrounding child protection and the foster care system. Participants have the opportunity to create a new beat in order to accurately report on the systemic challenges impacting families, such as workforce shortages, judicial failures, and the overuse of foster care in cases that could be resolved through family support. Reporter and editor teams will learn how to tell compelling, community-focused stories that resonate with readers and address the issues that matter most. Through this series of 6 online group seminars, attendees will gain the knowledge and tools to build trust, engagement, and increase readership while driving meaningful public discourse.
Funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and delivered by the Poynter Institute and Resolve Philly, we will train 50 people (25 newsrooms) on how to responsibly cover child welfare issues over the course of six virtual webinars.