Strength in Numbers: How to Use CDC Data to Upgrade Your Mental Health Reporting


Strength in Numbers: How to Use CDC Data to Upgrade Your Mental Health Reporting

In advance of Suicide Prevention Month in September, Poynter, and the CDC are teaming up to help journalists tell better stories about suicide and gun violence. During this webinar, you’ll learn how to use CDC data at the local, state and national level while getting expert advice on covering these sensitive issues with accuracy and nuance. 


  • Watch this webinar replay on demand. Original broadcast date Aug. 30, 2023.
  • Learn how to find state- and county-level reports in the CDC’s death and injury data.
  • Hear directly from a CDC official and a suicide prevention expert.
  • Develop new skills to analyze data in the CDC database that you can apply to dozens of stories every year.
  • Walk away ready to execute several story ideas appropriate for suicide prevention month in September.
  • This webinar is free and open to journalists who want to improve their reporting using the latest data from the CDC.
  • Sponsorship generously provided by, the CDC and Poynter's Craig Newmark Center for Ethics & Leadership


SKU: PWEB03-23 Tags: , , ,

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn to access and search two CDC databases that track gun deaths and injuries.
  • Learn to create reports that track trends over time.
  • Identify groups and communities that may be statistically more at risk for certain trends.
  • Quickly add context to breaking news stories.



  • Watch this webinar replay on demand. Original broadcast date Aug. 30, 2023.
  • Learn how to find state- and county-level reports in the CDC’s death and injury data.
  • Hear directly from a CDC official and a suicide prevention expert.
  • Develop new skills to analyze data in the CDC database that you can apply to dozens of stories every year.
  • Walk away ready to execute several story ideas appropriate for suicide prevention month in September.
  • This webinar is free and open to journalists who want to improve their reporting using the latest data from the CDC.
  • Sponsorship generously provided by, the CDC and Poynter's Craig Newmark Center for Ethics & Leadership

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In advance of Mental Health Awareness Month in September, Poynter and the CDC are teaming up to help journalists tell better stories.

During this free 90-minute webinar on Wednesday, Aug. 30, journalists will get an overview of CDC-maintained public databases and learn how to use them to access national-, state- and county-level injury and death data, including deaths by suicide, gun violence, and more.

CDC Data Specialist Dionne “Dee” Williams from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control’s Data Analytics Branch will demonstrate how reporters can find and use statistics by year, race and ethnicity, age, sex, and more.

Acquiring basic skills in these databases will allow you to quickly supply valuable context for a wide range of news, including stories on breaking news, public policy, community initiatives and fact checks.

Also on hand for this free webinar will be Kelly McBride, who leads Poynter’s Transforming Crime Reporting initiative, and Dan Reidenberg, a nationally recognized suicide prevention expert.

This free training is made possible by our funders:, the Centers for Disease Control and the Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership at Poynter.

Participants will be given an opportunity to ask questions.


If you need assistance, email us at


  • Kelly McBride
    Senior Vice President and Chair of Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership
    Kelly McBride is a journalist, consultant and one of the country’s leading voices on media ethics and democracy. She is senior vice president and chair...
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  • Dan Reidenberg
    Executive Director of and Managing Director of the National Council for Suicide Prevention
    Dan Reidenberg is the Executive Director of, Managing Director of the National Council for Suicide Prevention and is a Special Advisor to the International Association...
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  • Dionne “Dee” Williams
    Lead Statistical Programmer / Web Application Developer for Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System, Division of Injury Prevention (DIP) CDC / DDNID / NCIPCl
    Dionne “Dee” Williams, MPS, is a Lead Statistical Programmer / Web Application Developer for Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS). She is responsible...
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