Getting It Right: Accuracy and Verification in the Digital Age


Getting It Right: Accuracy and Verification in the Digital Age

Get the knowledge and tools necessary to become more accurate in what you publish in print, over the airwaves or online. You’ll learn more about how and why errors appear in your work, and gain a fundamental understanding of how to prevent them, along with the most up-to-the-minute tools for verifying information online.

This course has been newly updated in 2023. It can be taken independently or as part of the ACES Certificate in Editing.

Start Anytime


  • Take this course independently or as part of the ACES Certificate in Editing.
  • Understand how the human brain is susceptible to inserting errors.
  • Develop ways to counter our tendency to unintentionally insert errors into our work.
  • Train yourself to become more accurate in what you publish, write, broadcast or post.
  • Practice the latest techniques to verify information online.


Learning Outcomes

This newly updated course is designed not only to get you up to speed with the latest techniques and skills to spot mis- and disinformation online, it’s also meant to help you develop an anti-error mindset. You will:

  • Explain why errors occur and the common misconceptions about them
  • Use facts to support a story
  • Use tools and techniques for verification
  • Discuss best practices editors use when publishing information



  • Take this course independently or as part of the ACES Certificate in Editing.
  • Understand how the human brain is susceptible to inserting errors.
  • Develop ways to counter our tendency to unintentionally insert errors into our work.
  • Train yourself to become more accurate in what you publish, write, broadcast or post.
  • Practice the latest techniques to verify information online.

Training five or more people?
Check out our custom training.

Nothing does more to damage to an organization’s credibility than publishing inaccurate information — yet errors frequently occur.

This self-directed course is designed to help you avoid the traps that lead to inaccuracies. You’ll get the knowledge and tools necessary to become more accurate in what you publish in print, over the airwaves or online. You’ll learn the fundamentals of verification and error prevention. You will also learn something even more basic — how and why errors occur during publication. By the end of the course, you will gain an appreciation for the challenges of verifying information in a networked world and an understanding of how best to do so.

This course has been newly updated in 2023. It can be taken independently or as part of the ACES Certificate in Editing.


If you need assistance, email us at

Once you enroll in this online course, you can start any time and take the lessons on your own schedule. 

Who should enroll

Regardless of experience or medium, this course is meant for writers, journalists, producers, and anyone else producing any type of content that will be consumed by an audience; anyone who uses, curates or aggregates social media or user-generated content; and newsroom leaders who want to develop best practices for error prevention.




  • Vanya Tsvetkova
    Former Interactive Learning Designer, MediaWise
    Vanya Tsvetkova develops curricula in various formats to teach fact-checking and media literacy skills to audiences of all ages in the U.S. and abroad. Vanya...
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  • Craig Silverman
    Reporter, ProPublica and editor, Verification Handbook
    Craig Silverman is an award-winning journalist and author and one of the world's leading experts on online disinformation, fake news, and digital investigations. He recently...
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