MediaWise Voter Project Fact-Checking Certificate

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.

MediaWise Voter Project Fact-Checking Certificate

This online fact-checking course will help you figure out what is fact and what is fiction as you vote for the first time in 2020. Enroll now and get notified when the class goes live in October.

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Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.

SKU: NUCS05-20

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.

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Voting can be complicated, especially if it’s your first time. Are you properly registered? What’s up with mail-in voting? And perhaps most importantly, how do you know that you’re voting based on facts, not fiction?

This free fact-checking course from the MediaWise Voter Project (#MVP2020) will help you earn that “I Voted” sticker. Thanks to instructional videos from #MVP2020 friends like John Green, online sleuthing challenges, and lessons in being a social media detective, you will feel more confident and empowered casting your vote in 2020. 

Here’s how it works:

This is a three-part course that dives deep into all things fact-checking. Each part takes about one hour and ends in a quiz that advances you to the next level. Once you complete all three levels, you will earn a MediaWise Voter Project Fact-Checking Certificate to prove to everyone you are MediaWise and know how to find accurate information.  

  • Level 1: All about that research
  • Level 2: Follow that coin!
  • Level 3: Deepfakes, bots and seeing the future


Coming October 2020

Who should take this course?

This program was designed for the first-time voter, ages 18-22 years old, and is recommended for high school and college students and anyone else who is heading to cast their vote for the first time in November.


Alex Mahadevan

Alex Mahadevan

Senior Multimedia Reporter

Heaven Taylor-Wynn

Heaven Taylor-Wynn

Multimedia Reporter

Alexa Volland

Alexa Volland

Multimedia Reporter

Training sponsor

This MediaWise Voter Project Fact-Checking Certificate was made available tuition-free to the first 1,333 students thanks to generous support from:

Funders and supporters of Poynter’s work are subject to our ethics policy and accordingly do not influence curriculum or content. 

Training partner

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