MediaWise for Seniors: Live Fact-Checking Seminar (Winter 2020)


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MediaWise for Seniors: Live Fact-Checking Seminar (Winter 2020)

Improve your media literacy, and learn tools and techniques for fact-checking what you see online. This two-week course is meant for people 50 years and older who regularly consume news online.

The course is free for the first 300 enrollees, thanks to the support of Facebook.

December 7, 2020– December 17, 2020


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SKU: NUOGS24-20 Tags: , ,

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this two-week course, you will be able to:

  • Identify and spot the seven different types of misinformation and explain why someone shared them.
  • Fact-check social media posts using tools and techniques of professional fact-checkers and share what you find to each social media platform.
  • Verify the images and videos you encounter on the internet in less than five minutes using techniques such as lateral reading.
  • Operate as a good digital citizen by not sharing misinformation on your social media account.
  • Explain to family members and friends the pitfalls of sharing misinformation and teach loved ones how to fact-check on their own.


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Misinformation and disinformation are running rampant online. Coronavirus, politics, social justice protests — you name it, there is misinformation being shared about it and going viral on the internet.

So how can you tell what information is reliable and accurate? It’s hard but anyone can do it. The MediaWise for Seniors: Fact-Checking Live Seminar is a great place to start. Through four live sessions virtually, 90 minutes each, over the course of two weeks, you’ll learn how to use fact-checking skills that professional journalists use, to identify fact versus fiction online.

With the continued risk of coronavirus to older Americans, falling for false information on the internet can be a matter of life and death. Learn to protect yourself through this class and help stop the spread of misinformation online.


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  • Al Tompkins, Senior Faculty, Broadcast and Online
    Al Tompkins
    Al Tompkins is the former senior faculty for broadcasting and online. He has taught thousands of journalists, journalism students and educators in newsrooms around the...
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  • Alex Mahadevan
    MediaWise Director and Poynter Faculty
    Alex Mahadevan is faculty at Poynter and director of MediaWise, Poynter’s digital media literacy project that teaches people of all ages how to spot misinformation...
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