How Many, Which Ones? The Refugee Crisis and U.S. Immigration Reform (July 2022)

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $0.00.

How Many, Which Ones? The Refugee Crisis and U.S. Immigration Reform (July 2022)

Tune in to this free 60-minute webinar from Poynter at 2 p.m. Eastern time on July 13, 2022, to gain a deeper understanding of the policies and politics that impact which immigrants get refugee status in the U.S.

July 13, 2022


  • Explore how the U.S. decides which immigrants deserve refugee status.
  • Hear from journalists and immigration experts about which proposed reforms will impact the midterm elections.
  • Get your questions answered during Q&A sessions throughout the webinar.
  • BONUS: Dive deeper with free access to Poynter’s self-directed course about immigration in the U.S.

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $0.00.

SKU: NUWEB03-22 Tags: ,

Learning Outcomes

Participants in this free webinar will:

  • Examine how refugees who flee persecution or violence across the world are accepted into the U.S.
  • Understand how U.S. public sentiment, economic conditions and foreign policy affect how many and which refugees to accept
  • Discuss the differences between refugee status, asylum and Temporary Protected Status
  • Describe current reform efforts in Congress to reform immigration law
  • Generate story ideas on the resettlement of refugees in local communities
  • Utilize expert sources for your reporting

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $0.00.


  • Explore how the U.S. decides which immigrants deserve refugee status.
  • Hear from journalists and immigration experts about which proposed reforms will impact the midterm elections.
  • Get your questions answered during Q&A sessions throughout the webinar.
  • BONUS: Dive deeper with free access to Poynter’s self-directed course about immigration in the U.S.

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Core to the debate over immigration reform in the U.S. is how to handle refugees, from Ukraine, from Afghanistan, and from countries in Central America. This free webinar will give journalists a more nuanced understanding of immigration in the U.S. in order to analyze current policy, report on reform efforts in a deeply divided Congress and understand the impact of legislation on local communities in the U.S. — not to mention those fleeing violence and persecution abroad.  


If you need assistance, email us at 

This free, 60-minute webinar will be broadcast live on Wednesday, July 13 at 2 p.m. Eastern time. A replay will be available within 48 hours.

Enrolling in this webinar will also give you access to Understand U.S. Immigration From the Border to the Heartland, a five-part self-directed online course with dozens of resources and materials for journalists covering immigration.

Who should enroll

This webinar is intended for reporters, editors, photojournalists, audience engagement specialists, and other people who produce journalism. If you cover immigration, the economy, business, community development and other intersecting fields, this webinar is for you.


This webinar is offered tuition-free, thanks to support from the Catena Foundation. 



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