Alternative story forms, ASFs, ALTs, storytelling devices — they go by different names and include everything but stories written in the traditional text-plus-headline format. This course will introduce you to the world of alternative story forms and show you how to add them to your writing, editing or designing repertoire.
“Beyond the Inverted Pyramid” will teach you how to break down information by theme and organize stories to make them snappy and more useful to time-crunched readers. With a focus on the importance of newsroom collaboration, this course showcases a range of supplemental and standalone forms, demonstrates what forms work best with what story ideas and provides techniques for editing alternative forms for factual errors and other problematic copy.
Since readers seem to have less and less time to read, you need to help them get the information they need. You’ll learn how to select, write, edit and present a variety of alternative forms through various interactive games and activities.
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