The Rights and Limitations of a Journalist to Photograph and Record in Public


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The Rights and Limitations of a Journalist to Photograph and Record in Public

Enroll in this short webinar to learn about journalists’ rights and limits in public places.

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  • This webinar will benefit journalists who cover protests or events where police or first-responders are present
  • Learn and understand elements of privacy law such as "reasonable expectation of privacy” from recent case examples
  • Enroll in this short webinar to learn from award-winning photojournalist, Mickey H. Osterreicher


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SKU: NUWEB16-18 Tags: ,

Learning Outcomes

You will learn:

  • Interplay of First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments
  • What constitutes reasonable Time, Place and Manner restrictions
  • What a “reasonable expectation of privacy” is and where it applies
  • What to do if questioned, detained or arrested
  • Practical advice when out in the field


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  • This webinar will benefit journalists who cover protests or events where police or first-responders are present
  • Learn and understand elements of privacy law such as "reasonable expectation of privacy” from recent case examples
  • Enroll in this short webinar to learn from award-winning photojournalist, Mickey H. Osterreicher

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With the widespread proliferation of cellphone cameras, capable of recording high-quality images along with audio and video, as well as the increasing deployment of police bodycams, everybody is documenting everything and everyone.

This webinar presents a basic understanding of constitutional rights and limitations of journalists and citizens when covering stories in public places. One goal is to foster improved police-press- public relations in an era when most needed. It will include constructive discussion of the rights and responsibilities of journalists, the public and police; and encourage greater respect for the roles each plays.

The webinar also provides answers and suggest solutions to challenges faced daily by journalists in dealing with law enforcement, first-responders and demonstrators regarding those rights.

This webinar was originally broadcast on June 08, 2018. You can watch the replay when you enroll. It will take approximately one hour to complete.

Who should enroll

Anyone who covers protests or high-profile events or stories where police or first-responders are often present (accidents, crimes, fires) will find this webinar extremely helpful. This is true for reporters as well as visual journalists and their editors.


  • Mickey Osterreicher
    General Counsel, National Press Photographers Association
    Mickey Osterreicher is experienced in contract, media, copyright and First Amendment Law. He has been actively involved in matters such as cameras in the courtroom,...
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