How the shortest story can pack the biggest punch A 20-year-old article about a toll collector inspired a short story about the fentanyl crisis that won an inaugural Poynter Journalism Prize December 16, 2024 Roy Peter Clark
Let’s dispel a common myth about fentanyl as election workers get letters with traces of the substance People cannot overdose by only touching fentanyl. Still, election workers have faced a pattern of threats since the 2020 election. November 13, 2023 Maria Ramirez Uribe
No, you can’t accidentally overdose by touching fentanyl Here is the truth behind the myth and three other common myths about fentanyl. September 5, 2023 Maria Ramirez Uribe
A widely-shared video shows a deputy overdosing on fentanyl. Experts say it’s ‘impossible.’ Toxicologists say it’s not possible to overdose from fentanyl by touching it, and reporting that claims as much is dangerous. August 13, 2021 James Stout