Food writing
Sam Sifton named NYT food editor
Sam Sifton is The New York Times' new food editor. The paper will also rename…
Oregonian photo prompts discussion about anonymity of Portland food critics
Willamette Week Oregonian food critic Michael Russell's face, or part of it, really, may be…
Latest issue of Swallow Magazine features the smells of Mexico City
The New York Times | Swallow Magazine The latest edition of Swallow Magazine, a rarely…
Pete Wells answers NYT readers’ questions about his Guy Fieri restaurant review
The New York Times "And I thought I had a lot of questions about Guy Fieri," Times restaurant…
Pete Wells explains his review of Guy Fieri’s restaurant
After he visited Guy Fieri’s American Kitchen & Bar in Times Square, Pete Wells wanted…
Paper confuses name of local restaurant with form of cancer
Continuing with today's theme of embarrassing media mistakes about restaurants, I offer you this seemingly…
Sacramento Bee food writer apologizes for criticizing food of dead chef
Today's useful reminder to always double-check that people are still employed in the position you…
Recipes, vertical photos shared most on Pinterest
Dan Zarrella Social media data analyst Dan Zarrella has tracked what kind of content gets…
SF Chronicle, Washington Post win 4 food journalism awards each
Association of Food Journalists Food journalism honored its best at a banquet in South Carolina…
Food journalists mull rules change to compete against amateur critics
Washington City Paper The Association of Food Journalists' current guidelines say “reviewers should wait at…
How AP came up with guidelines for food writers
American Journalism Review | When he became Associated Press food editor six years ago,…
Association of Food Journalists names contest finalists
Romenesko Misc. The Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, and Washington Post are competing for Best…
Critic: ‘You can’t underestimate how the change in technology has changed food writing’ "We got these new iPhones and I feel the power," writes longtime Philadelphia Inquirer…