NPR experiments with local news headlines on national home page
NPR People who visit in 13 cities around the country will see local newsโฆ
NPR People who visit in 13 cities around the country will see local newsโฆ
Nieman Journalism Lab | Google Geo Developers Blog Google has responded to concerns about itsโฆ
ProgrammableWeb | | ReadWriteWeb If the developers in your newsroom seem unusually stressed thisโฆ
Forbes Wilson Andrews, The Washington Post's information designer, discusses his data visualizations and the progressโฆ
The Knight Foundation is directing almost a third of its $4.7 million in News Challengeโฆ
Monday afternoon, EveryBlock announced a major shift in focus, from a geographically-based, hyperlocal news siteโฆ
Elusive WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is scheduled to appear in London on Monday with Danielโฆ
Monday and Tuesday, about 40 journalists are gathering at Poynter to learn how they canโฆ
MobileCrunchThe augmented-reality company Layar announced a new version of its browser that will allow Androidโฆ
Crisis CommonsOil Reporter, a new project from Crisis Commons, is a data initiative that seeksโฆ
Texas WatchdogJennifer Peebles notes that Sunlight Labs has geotagged many of the projects funded byโฆ
Mobile BeatGoogle announced a new application programming interface (API) for its geographic location service thisโฆ
People who visit Allbritton Communications' still-unnamed metro D.C. news site when it launches in Juneโฆ
I can't find "Austin hangover" on Urban Dictionary, so I'll define the term myself: theโฆ
New York TimesText messages are the latest mobile technology to get updated with a geo-targetedโฆ