Grammar and style
AP Stylebook update: Multiple emoji are emoji
What’s the plural of emoji, and how should they be quoted in news stories? Guidance…
Some guidelines for using semicolons
Punctuation helps a reader understand your story. Commas, periods, dashes and other marks convey the…
How to choose between ‘that’ and ‘which’ in your writing
The rules of grammar can seem complicated and rigid, but they will help you keep…
Which is best? Who or whom?
The rules of grammar can seem complicated and rigid, but they will help you keep…
It’s ‘Bah! Humbug!’ and other holiday style advice from the AP
British actor Albert Finney waves his cane while playing the title role in Scrooge, at…
Fusion tracks news orgs that use term ‘illegal immigrant’
Fusion Despite "all the good reasons not to use" the term illegal immigrant, "it is…
Fear not the long sentence
A year ago I wrote an essay for the New York Times titled “The Short…
Why AP style doesn’t use ISIL or ISIS anymore
Just two weeks after the Associated Press explained why it referred to the Islamic militant…
AP Style should adopt the Oxford comma
It's great to see that Nate Silver's 538 is finally hitting its stride. Stepping aside…