style guide
The L.A. Times has the ‘Star Wars’ style guide you’ve been wishing for
Harrison Ford, as Han Solo of “Star Wars” with Carrie Fisher in the filming of…
WaPo’s new publisher has ditched the BlackBerry
Fred Ryan is now an iPhone guy. "What you may have heard is I’m so…
NYT’s use of ‘illegal immigrant’ fell in 2013
The New York Times has opened Alexis Lloyd's Chronicle tool to the public. Chronicle elegantly…
AP: Lowercase ‘bitcoin’
AP issued an update to its stylebook Monday, including its much bruited change to "more…
Could the term ‘undocumented American’ catch on with news organizations?
In the comments section of Jose Antonio Vargas' 2012 Time article about the term "illegal…
NPR will use term ‘Obamacare’ less
Maynard Institute | Associated Press NPR standards editor Stuart Seidel asked reporters and editors to…
Journalists declare war…on ellipses
Slate The job description of the ellipsis has changed, Matthew J.X. Malady writes. His emails,…
Style guide aims to make it easier to cover stories like Plan B
When news broke that the Obama administration had abandoned its effort to maintain age restrictions…
San Francisco Chronicle changes style on ‘illegal immigrant’
The San Francisco Chronicle changed its style on “illegal immigrant” Monday. It’s the latest of…
Timeline shows changes to AP style
Journalism in the Americas "Ms." arrived in 1980. "Illegal immigrant" entered in 2004 (and left…
AP changes style on ‘underway’: Copy editors react
Two days after changing its style on the term "illegal immigrant," the Associated Press issued…
AP changes style on ‘illegal immigrant’
Associated Press The Associated Press is changing its Stylebook entry on the term "illegal immigrant,"…
AP issues style guide for papal succession
Associated Press The Associated Press has issued a helpful style guide for what promises to…
NLGJA president: ‘The AP is probably correct’ to discourage use of ‘homophobia’
AP Stylebook | The Baltimore Sun | Voice of America | Slate | Guardian In…