The Washington Post won a Pulitzer for fighting fake news with facts
If there were a Pulitzer for journalism ethics, it would go to the Washington Post…
5 open records horror stories from The Associated Press
The Associated Press In advance of Sunshine Week, The Associated Press compiled a state-by-state open-records…
Rape and anonymity: a fateful pairing
This column has been republished with permission from the author. To see the original post…
Is the Obama administration really the ‘most transparent’ ever?
TechPresident In a live "Hangout" video chat on Google+ last week, President Obama answered a…
Obama administration’s FOIA record worse than Bush’s
Bloomberg | The New York Times Bloomberg News found that 19 of 20 federal agencies…
New adds stream of user tips for crowd ranking
News as a public process, rather than the polished output of a magic journalism box,…
New website builds dossiers on journalists, hopes transparency will lead to trust
Ira Stoll is 38. He has a Facebook page and a Twitter account. His phone number…
Is it really a big deal if journalists share personal opinions?
News about "World of Opera" host Lisa Simeone becoming an Occupy Wall Street spokesperson has…
Guardian publishes upcoming story budgets, invites reader feedback The Guardian will publish "a carefully-selected portion" of its internal lists of upcoming story…
The Atlantic Wire opens editorial discussions to the public The Atlantic Wire is experimenting with letting the public observe and participate in its…