Let Abe Lincoln become your writing coach
Tomorrow, Nov. 19, turns out to be the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Toโฆ
Tomorrow, Nov. 19, turns out to be the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Toโฆ
I was recently hired by a department of the federal government to conduct a workshopโฆ
The dialogue with a stranger on a plane often goes something like this: Stranger: "Whatโฆ
If there is one writing lesson that Poynter has taught for more than three decadesโฆ
You knew it was only a matter of time until the author of "How toโฆ
Yesterday was a happy day for me as a writer after I received an enthusiasticโฆ
With official publication date three weeks away, I am happy to hold in my handโฆ
It's a standard of American culture that we use the summer for both enrichment andโฆ
The best way to write a perfect sentence is to lower your standards. I hopeโฆ
During this week's writing chat, we talked with Boston Globe reporter Eric Moskowitz about hisโฆ
The events of recent days -- from the bombing of the Boston marathon to theโฆ
All writers learn that it is not possible or desirable to control how a readerโฆ
Today is National Grammar Day, a special holiday for someone -- namely me -- whoโฆ
Every writer faces problems. In the most recent I'll help you figure out solutions. Muchโฆ
The recent passing of former New York mayor Ed Koch reminded me of one ofโฆ